
For the purpose of convenience certain words/phrases have been defined here whose meaning is described herein.

1. Classiqui Technology Private Limited. and any of its associate concerns, or wholly owned subsidiaries, and their promoters, directors, managers, employees, shareholders etc. are referred to as individually or collectively as "The Company".

2. Any package, product offered by the company to its customers, whether Virtual or Physical, is termed as "The Package". For comprehensive details of the individual packages, please visit the official website at https://packages.classiqui.com

3. The new/old user of any product/package offered by "the company" is referred to as "Customer".

4. The "Customer" availing the optional free business opportunity is referred to as an "Associate", or "Independent Channel Partner" or "Direct Seller". Customer and Direct Seller are collectively known as "partners"

5. www.classiqui.com and it sub-domains are referred to as company website. c.care@classiqui.com is the official email of the company.

6. Terms and Conditions, User Agreement and Associate Agreement are collectively referred to as "Conditions of Contract" between the company and the Customer/channel partner/ Direct seller, and must be read together for all purposes.